
Articles Culture

Curried Narratives: An Indian Revolutionary’s View of Japan


Nair led a kind of Lawrence of Arabia existence, travelling through remote areas of Manchukuo, China and Mongolia

Articles Reflections

Alan Merrill’s Japan: a Magical Moment


The management takes the money. The musicians get peanuts, if they’re lucky.

Articles Finance

Japan is Still the Future


In demographics too, Japan is looking more like a pioneer than an outlier.

Articles Finance

Nikkei 39,000: Scenarios for a New High for Japanese Stocks


On that basis, new highs should come sooner rather than later.

Books Culture

New Book: “On Kurosawa – A Tribute to the Master Director”


My latest book “On Kurosawa – A Tribute to the Master Director” explores AK’s work and life

Articles Finance Politics

Five Good Reasons to Ditch the Hike in Japan’s Consumption Tax


Referendums can be tricky operations, as former British Prime Minister David Cameron found out

Articles Politics

Abe’s Next Move: Stoking a Mini-Boom


A glance at the Japanese banking system – and indeed at any bank branch, with its ranks of paper-shufflers – shows how much room there is for improvement.

Finance Politics

“I M Fired” – How the Asian Financial Crisis Helped Asia and Harmed the West


The ensuing collapse in the West’s financial credibility was equivalent to the Iraq War’s effect on its strategic credibility

Articles Culture

The Dead City: Japan’s Isle of Modern Ruin


It is a useful reminder that everything familiar to us will one day be obsolescent too, ourselves included.

Articles Finance

Grossly Deceptive Parameters


The UK and France added a few extra percent to their GDPs by including drug-dealing, prostitution and smuggling.